For Your Surgery or Procedure

Not sure what you need to do to prepare for your upcoming surgery or procedure? Click on your procedure below for information, or download the procedure packet for information on all the surgeries and procedures.

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What do I need to do to prepare for my…?


An excision is a minor surgical procedure performed on an outpatient basis in our office. The procedure involves the complete removal of a lesion. The excised tissue is sent to an outside laboratory for processing. Laboratory processing ensures all the margins are clear and the lesion has been completely removed.

Procedure Length: 1 – 2 hours, please plan your day accordingly.

Fasting: Eat a regular meal(s) on the day of your scheduled surgery.

Refrain From: Wearing perfume or cologne, consuming alcoholic beverages several days before and after the procedure, and the use of Vitamin E and any non-essential “natural” supplements or herbal medications one (1) week prior to surgery.

Medications: Take all of your medications. If you are taking any medications which slow coagulation (“blood-thinners”), do not discontinue these medications unless specifically instructed.

Wound Care Items:
• Non-sterile Q-tips
• A fresh tube (not a jar) of Vaseline or Aquaphor ointment
• Non-stick gauze such as Telfa
• Non-allergic tape such as Micropore

Additional Information:
• If you cannot see or recall the site of the skin lesion, it is important to have your referring physician document the site with a photograph.

Post-procedure Restrictions:
• Exercise, lifting and bending should be minimized for at least one week post-surgery.

Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is a minor surgical procedure performed on an outpatient basis in our office. The Mohs procedure provides a road map allowing us to trace the extent of the cancerous growth. The surgery is performed in steps or stages. Each stage involves about 5 to 15 minutes of surgery to remove the cancerous tissue plus about 45 minutes to an hour (or more) to check if any cancer remains.

Procedure Length: Mohs surgery is a procedure that may take the entire day. Although patients normally spend approximately 3-5 hours in our office, please do not schedule any other appointments for your surgery day.

Fasting: Eat a regular meal(s) on the day of your scheduled surgery.

Refrain from: Wearing perfume or cologne, consuming alcoholic beverages several days before and after the procedure, and the use of Vitamin E and any non-essential “natural” supplements or herbal medications one (1) week prior to surgery.

Medications: Take all of your medications. If you are taking any medications which slow coagulation (“blood-thinners”), do not discontinue these medications unless specifically instructed.

Wound Care Items:
• Non-sterile Q-tips
• A fresh tube (not a jar) of Vaseline or Aquaphor ointment
• Non-stick gauze such as Telfa
• Non-allergic tape such as Micropore
• Saline

Additional Information:
• There is a significant amount of time spent waiting for laboratory results between the Mohs steps. Please bring sufficient reading or work. It is often helpful to bring a companion.
• If you cannot see or recall the site of the skin lesion, it is important to have your referring physician document the site with a photograph.

Post-procedure Restrictions: • We do not recommend driving yourself home after your surgery. Even though you may physically be able to drive yourself home, we advise you to have a friend or family member drive you to and from surgery.
• Do not physically disturb the healing wound during the first 4 weeks following surgery.
• Do not apply make-up during the 3 weeks following surgery.
• Do not apply sunscreen to the wound for 3 to 4 weeks following surgery.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy is a process in which the skin is treated with a chemical called Levulan, allowed to incubate and then treated with a therapeutic blue light. This treatment is designed to treat sun-damaged, blotchy pigmentation and pre-cancerous areas of the skin called actinic keratoses.

Procedure Length: 1.5 – 2 hours, please plan your day accordingly.

Fasting: Eat a regular meal(s) on the day of your scheduled surgery. Please also drink plenty of water to ensure you are hydrated prior to your surgery.

Refrain from: Wearing perfume or cologne, consuming alcoholic beverages several days before and after the procedure, and the use of Vitamin E and any non-essential “natural” supplements or herbal medications one (1) week prior to surgery.

Medications: Take all of your medications. If you are taking any medications which slow coagulation (“blood-thinners”), do not discontinue these medications unless specifically instructed.

Wound Care Items:
• A mild facial cleanser (Cetaphil)
• A physical sun block containing zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide
• Good moisturizer
• Cold gel packs or ice packs for discomfort

Additional Information:
• Plan to cover up when leaving our office following your treatment.
• If you have a history of herpes outbreaks in the areas to be treated, please inform our staff immediately.
• For the treatment of sun damage and/or actinic keratoses, 1-2 treatments are recommended.

Post-procedure Restrictions:
• You should plan to stay indoors, away from direct and indirect sunlight, for 48 hours. Prepare in advance.

Why Choose a Fellowship-Trained Mohs Surgeon?

Mohs surgeons are required to complete an intensive one or two year post-residency training program which requires them to paraphic surgery cases under the supervision of an experienced ACMS-approved Mohs Surgeon. They receive extensive experience in the removal and microscopic analysis of a variety of skin cancers, and in the complex reconstruction of surgical defects.

Meet Our Providers
A Mohs fellow setting up the surgical room for a Mohs surgery procedure.

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Our highly-trained staff is available for any questions you may have about dermatology or office procedures. If your question is regarding a personal medical issue, please call the office to request an appointment. Please do not send personally identifiable information via this form.


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Our team provides thoughtful, expert care for all your skin health needs. We are proud to offer the most advanced general, surgical and cosmetic dermatological services in Bucks County. Your best skin awaits.

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