Mohs surgery is a minor surgical procedure performed on an outpatient basis in our office. The Mohs procedure provides a road map allowing us to trace the extent of the cancerous growth. The surgery is performed in steps or stages. Each stage involves about 5 to 15 minutes of surgery to remove the cancerous tissue plus about 45 minutes to an hour (or more) to check if any cancer remains.
Procedure Length: Mohs surgery is a procedure that may take the entire day. Although patients normally spend approximately 3-5 hours in our office, please do not schedule any other appointments for your surgery day.
Fasting: Eat a regular meal(s) on the day of your scheduled surgery.
Refrain from: Wearing perfume or cologne, consuming alcoholic beverages several days before and after the procedure, and the use of Vitamin E and any non-essential “natural” supplements or herbal medications one (1) week prior to surgery.
Medications: Take all of your medications. If you are taking any medications which slow coagulation (“blood-thinners”), do not discontinue these medications unless specifically instructed.
Wound Care Items:
• Non-sterile Q-tips
• A fresh tube (not a jar) of Vaseline or Aquaphor ointment
• Non-stick gauze such as Telfa
• Non-allergic tape such as Micropore
• Saline
Additional Information:
• There is a significant amount of time spent waiting for laboratory results between the Mohs steps. Please bring sufficient reading or work. It is often helpful to bring a companion.
• If you cannot see or recall the site of the skin lesion, it is important to have your referring physician document the site with a photograph.
Post-procedure Restrictions: • We do not recommend driving yourself home after your surgery. Even though you may physically be able to drive yourself home, we advise you to have a friend or family member drive you to and from surgery.
• Do not physically disturb the healing wound during the first 4 weeks following surgery.
• Do not apply make-up during the 3 weeks following surgery.
• Do not apply sunscreen to the wound for 3 to 4 weeks following surgery.